Thursday, June 6, 2013


So I'm ordering sticker sheets as a giveaway during my portfolio show next week.  Decided that a compilation of doodles and models I've done might be kinda cool.  Unfortunately, I've procrastinated to the point of panic so I figured it would be a good idea to order them tonight. I found a place online that can get them processed and shipped pretty much overnight.  My wallet hates me right now, but it is what it is...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Website Edits

The site has been under construction for some time now.  One of the bigger changes was the inclusion of the "white" bar incorporated into the background itself since the default one on Squarespace wasn't showing on all browsers.  Aesthetically, I think it adds a lot to the design and I've even included it in most of my marketing package (you'll see it soon).  I also reduced the number of buttons on the front page and made them strickly related to my portfolio.  The logo has also undergone some minor changes.  The "D" in Goodlow reads more like an actual D instead of a backwards C, and I made all the letters in "ARTIST" all caps.  I've made some progress, but I'm still not done.  We'll see how this goes with the Career Services department...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Deep See Diver COMPLETE!

So after a couple months of inactivity I decided to dig this guy up and finally get him ready for my new reel.  Had a different workflow this time around.  Modeled the guy in Maya, but used 3ds Max to rig with the character biped (I love the damn thing).  Also had a happy accident of discovering that you can reimport a model from Max to Maya FULLY RIGGED!  Something I probably should have already known, but better late than never right?  

Had a bit of fun texturing him too.  I added some rust textures over the occlusion and diffuse maps and gave it a grungy feel.  The turnaround is in Unity3d, so I had the advantage of scripting lights on his lenses to flicker randomly and gave it a pretty nice touch.  Still working on a name though.  As a joke it was originally called Scuba Steven, but now I'm leaning more towards Little Daddy or Rusty.  We'll see..

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Deep Sea Diver

Recently inspired by my sudden anxiety of graduation, I figured today would be a good day to get a new character model done.  I designed this dude a while back and decided he could be used as a visual asset for either the background or foreground of the current game.  The levels are being designed now so now's the time to populate them for aesthetic reasons.  I picture him hopping and slowly drifting back down for the next leap.  Another idea I want to play with is removing his head and maybe replacing it with one of the fish models I made a few weeks ago to give a kind of "fish bowl" feel to fit our intentionally weird style.  I'm going to get back to texturing my current assignment and will return to unwrapping this model when I'm done.

"Free hugs!"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Reel Submittion

     For my Portfolio Preparation class, I had to create yet another reel.  Now this one is hands down WAY better than the reel I submitted  for my Year 2 review just a quarter ago (which had passed), but I still can't help but feel this one still isn't where it needs to be.  The content seems okay in my opinion, but I know editing could be better.  I could be paranoid since I don't wanna take the class over again, but the pressure of graduating soon is getting a little bit... real (no pun intended).  Either way, I hope you enjoy and remember that feedback is always appreciated.  The music is Ua by Quarashi.
Demo Reel 2013 from Joey Goodlow on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


     So it's been quite some time since my last blog post (6 months to be exact), but I'm glad to announce that along with building my new website, I'll be resurrecting my old blog.  If you asked why its been so long, I couldn't tell you.  Was I too busy with other stuff?  Perhaps.  Kidnapped by sea monsters and living nightmares?  Surprisingly true (you'll see). Regardless of my absence, I've made it a personal goal to post at least once week with some relevant and hopefully entertaining content.  Admittedly in the past, I just posted work and some text to fill in the spaces, but I'll be trying new things this time around.  Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me ;)  In any case, lets get this ball rolling!

     Here's the current situation on my site.  I got a background in and a logo that I finally like.  Still need to work on replacing that gray with something a little more appealing.  At least a pattern or gradient.  Squarespace, don't fail me now..  Now I know you might be saying, "Joey, what's your damn obsession with purple?"  In all honesty, I have no answer other than, "Cuz it's friggin' awesome."  It wouldn't represent me if it weren't purple, so its here to stay.  Here's the link to my site if you decide to stop by:  Just make sure you have your parents' permission first.