Thursday, May 23, 2013

Deep See Diver COMPLETE!

So after a couple months of inactivity I decided to dig this guy up and finally get him ready for my new reel.  Had a different workflow this time around.  Modeled the guy in Maya, but used 3ds Max to rig with the character biped (I love the damn thing).  Also had a happy accident of discovering that you can reimport a model from Max to Maya FULLY RIGGED!  Something I probably should have already known, but better late than never right?  

Had a bit of fun texturing him too.  I added some rust textures over the occlusion and diffuse maps and gave it a grungy feel.  The turnaround is in Unity3d, so I had the advantage of scripting lights on his lenses to flicker randomly and gave it a pretty nice touch.  Still working on a name though.  As a joke it was originally called Scuba Steven, but now I'm leaning more towards Little Daddy or Rusty.  We'll see..

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