Tuesday, March 12, 2013


     So it's been quite some time since my last blog post (6 months to be exact), but I'm glad to announce that along with building my new website, I'll be resurrecting my old blog.  If you asked why its been so long, I couldn't tell you.  Was I too busy with other stuff?  Perhaps.  Kidnapped by sea monsters and living nightmares?  Surprisingly true (you'll see). Regardless of my absence, I've made it a personal goal to post at least once week with some relevant and hopefully entertaining content.  Admittedly in the past, I just posted work and some text to fill in the spaces, but I'll be trying new things this time around.  Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me ;)  In any case, lets get this ball rolling!

     Here's the current situation on my site.  I got a background in and a logo that I finally like.  Still need to work on replacing that gray with something a little more appealing.  At least a pattern or gradient.  Squarespace, don't fail me now..  Now I know you might be saying, "Joey, what's your damn obsession with purple?"  In all honesty, I have no answer other than, "Cuz it's friggin' awesome."  It wouldn't represent me if it weren't purple, so its here to stay.  Here's the link to my site if you decide to stop by: joeygoodlow.com.  Just make sure you have your parents' permission first.

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