Saturday, May 25, 2013

Website Edits

The site has been under construction for some time now.  One of the bigger changes was the inclusion of the "white" bar incorporated into the background itself since the default one on Squarespace wasn't showing on all browsers.  Aesthetically, I think it adds a lot to the design and I've even included it in most of my marketing package (you'll see it soon).  I also reduced the number of buttons on the front page and made them strickly related to my portfolio.  The logo has also undergone some minor changes.  The "D" in Goodlow reads more like an actual D instead of a backwards C, and I made all the letters in "ARTIST" all caps.  I've made some progress, but I'm still not done.  We'll see how this goes with the Career Services department...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Deep See Diver COMPLETE!

So after a couple months of inactivity I decided to dig this guy up and finally get him ready for my new reel.  Had a different workflow this time around.  Modeled the guy in Maya, but used 3ds Max to rig with the character biped (I love the damn thing).  Also had a happy accident of discovering that you can reimport a model from Max to Maya FULLY RIGGED!  Something I probably should have already known, but better late than never right?  

Had a bit of fun texturing him too.  I added some rust textures over the occlusion and diffuse maps and gave it a grungy feel.  The turnaround is in Unity3d, so I had the advantage of scripting lights on his lenses to flicker randomly and gave it a pretty nice touch.  Still working on a name though.  As a joke it was originally called Scuba Steven, but now I'm leaning more towards Little Daddy or Rusty.  We'll see..