Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life.After Menu Interface Mockup

This is the final project for my Interface Design class.  I decided to base it on a game idea of mine.  It's a free-roaming survival-horror game about a survivor of the zombie apocalypse surviving the aftermath.  The player must scavenge for food and supplies, evade and fight when necessary, and maintain a fortified safe house. The hook is the emphasis of using a bicycle to get around.  The menus look nice in my opinion, but now I have to actually build it...

Main Menu

The three option screens.  The idea is to use the LB and RB buttons to tab between screens.  With the  prototype, I ran into a few issues.  I should indicate that those are the required buttons, and that I should enlarge the font of the currently selected options menu.

This is where you can either continue a game or select a new slot.  Once again, I should show onscreen which buttons should be pressed (A to select and B to go back).

The ingame HUD.  I added the X button up top to indicate a required input.  The gun at the lower left is the currently selected weapon.  The flashlight is the selected item.  To give the player feedback of damage, the sides of the screen are filling with blood-splatter.  The more blood, the more damage you have taken.

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