Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blunderbuss Texture Sets

The blunderbuss model was provided in class, but I did all the unwrapping and texturing


Just a couple lifedrawing pieces

Noir Table

A scene in Unity3D for my Texture and Lighting class.  The blunderbuss in the back was provided, but I made the textures and other props.  Tried to go for a specific mood.


An underworld volcano scene built in Unity3D.  Model was provided, but I did the textures.

Greek Shield Textures

Shader project for my Texture and Lighting class.  Played around with the alphas to adjust reflectivity in Unity3D.

Submarine Textures

 The model was provided by the instructor, but the textures and Unity3D scene is all me.  Added light cookies to try to get the reflectivity and lighting right.

Underwater Sidescroller

 Playing with depth tricks for my Background Design and Layout class.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Character Ideation Designs

 A group shot of characters from an old game idea
 The LunchBot and Nut
Louie Brimstone

The Banana Lab

A simple scene built in Sketch Up.  This was the final for my texture mapping for games class.